I decided to make some modular terrain scaled for action figures. I wanted an Imperial Base type terrain that I could use for installations, starship interiors etc... I found some black photo boxes at Michael's and then printed out a bunch of decals on 8.5x11 shipping labels and stuck them to the boxes.
I got the background from diorama sites like Neinnumbs and Stormtrooper Eric's websites and the old google search. the whole thing is modular and I used Terraclips to support the walls a little better. I raided my bit container and made a haul at the dollar store, for consoles and stuff. The round control stations are plumbing parts. Really easy and one of my favorites.
I completed the whole thing in just over a day. I ran out of printer ink, and then decided to add some additional consoles. I ended up painting the cannon from my old 1977 Death Star Playset. I want to try adding a seat to the cannon platform.
I have a game set up and will get a battle report up soon. I am using Flying Lead with some modifications. A group of Rebels is trying to disable the laser cannon on a orbital defense platform and disrupt communications with the planet surface so an attack can be made by ground forces.
I am hoping to play this weekend. Lately I have been writing papers and doing projects for school. But all work and no play can't go on forever.